Cambridge, MA, USA · Chicago, IL, USA
Agriculture and Farming · Biotechnology · DeepTech · Energy · Food · Sustainability
1 - 10 employees
founded in
ForeLight is an innovative biotech start-up in Chicago working to build a more sustainable future through biotechnology. They've developed a new technology, a bioreactor that creates an ideal environment for the cultivation of photosynthetic organisms, like algae and seaweed. They can produce nutritional sources like Spirulina and Omega-3 fatty acids, natural food dyes to replace harmful synthetic colorings, high-quality fluorescent biomarkers used for medical research and diagnostics, and they're working toward the production of livestock and fish feed for large-scale agricultural use all utilizing a sustainable, carbon-negative process on just a fraction of the land used by current methods. The company's colorings, flavorings, and nutritional components are bio-manufactured to meet consumer demand for more naturally derived ingredients. Its patented bioreactor technology applies insights from nuclear engineering to biology, to accelerate controlled photosynthesis of some of the earth’s oldest and most diverse organisms.
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